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Educational Information on ytt Survey, May 20, 2020
May 20, 2020
Educational Information on ytt Survey
For more information, contact or Jenell Navarro at
Native Voices Theatre: Stories from the Indian Boarding School, November 17, 2015
Oct 27, 2015
Native Voices at the Autry is the only Equity theatre company devoted exclusively to developing and producing new works for the stage by Native American, Alaska Native, and First Nations playwrights. This season the company established the Native Voices Artists Ensemble to support and engage the extraordinary talents of its Native actors, writers, musicians, and directors. Come watch their powerful performance and meet actors from the Ensemble. Sponsored by the American Indian Indigenous Faculty Staff Association.
For more information, contact or Jenell Navarro at

Hupa Tribe Brush Dance Demonstration, November 5, 2015
Oct 27, 2015
The Brush Dance (Xon'na'we in the Hupa language) is a ceremony performed by several Northern California tribes in order to heal a sick person; traditionally, this meant a person of any age and any ailment (physical, mental, emotional, etc). In modern days, the person in the pit being healed is primarily an infant or toddler. This demonstration will be performed by Boyd Ferris and other members of the Hupa tribe.
Boyd Ferris is a social work graduate of Humboldt State University and currently works as a substance abuse counselor for the Hupa Valley Tribe's Division of Human Services. He participates in many different community outreach activities as a way to stay tied to the culture and to help members of the community live clean and sober lives. This event is hosted by the American Indian Student Association in collaboration with the Cross Cultural Centers. Come join us to learn more about the Hupa tribe and meet other American Indian students.
For more information, contact

American Indian & Indigenous Commencement, May 29, 2015
May 27, 2015
The American Indian & Indigenous Commencement will celebrate the achievements of graduating AI/I students. It will take place from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at SLO Botanical Garden (3450 Dairy Creek Rd, SLO) on May 29, 2015.
This event is invitation only.
Please contact Kate Martin at if you would like to attend.